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Laser Light

Use laser for precision lighting. “Intelligent” lasers can write on walls or create other static designs.

Smoke Machine

Combine lasers with fog to provide highly defined, monochromatic beams of light.

Beam Light

Solid beams of light across the dance floor, adding depth and texture to the mood set by fill lights.

Strobe light

Strobe lights flash intermittently to provide a slow-motion and freeze-frame effects.

Scanner Light

These fixtures incorporate a user-controllable mirror that can be programmed to pan and tilt in any direction within the range of the fixture.

Barrel Mirror Light

Rotating barrel mirror to create a continually falling beam. Just like flowers and centerpieces, color, gobo type, and mirror direction can usually be synchronized to the music via a built-in microphone..

Disco Light

Dance floors having hundreds of sparkling lights. Pin spots are typically used to create the reflected beams that bounce off the disco ball that will create amazing effect.

Spot light

It is used to illuminate a particular person or area in a narrow beam that does not bleed light into surrounding areas. Equipped with a narrow-beam spot bulb to more advanced designs that can be operated remotely using DMX programming.

DMX lighting controller

DMX will work together to create a mood. Because we can create lighting programs, DMX controllers gives the greatest flexibility and maximum amount of power to control the lighting equipment.